document created: February 20, 2006
last update: February 20, 2006

Theology on Tap  Ponchatoula, Louisiana

Sound interesting? Most people probably don't associate the two, but on February 21, they will come together . . . sort of! St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Holy Ghost and St. Albert's Student Center are hosting THEOLOGY ON TAP. What it TOT? you may ask. It's a program that had its beginning in Chicago in the early '80s, an attempt to reach a young adult audience by using an unconventional method of providing a casual social gathering and adding a religious mix. It's a chance to meet other young adults, hoist a brew, hear a brief preseentation and ask questions on a current topic that helps keep our lives relevant amidst the demands of our professional and personal living. Sounds simple, right? Easily put, it's a way for 20 and 30 somethings to meet, raise a glass and listen to an interesting presentation.

February 21 will be the first installment with the topic "WHATEVER HAPPENED TO GOD?" given by Mary Brouillette, Director of Religious Formation at Holy Ghost. The event will be held at Speakeasy Restaurant (147 NW Railroad Ave) in Ponchatoula. We'll begin at 7 p.m. with socializing and cocktails, presentation at 7:30 p.m. Although the event is hosted by Catholic churches, all denominations are welcome.

Remember February 21. Valentine's Day is past, Mardi Gras is not here yet, what else do you have to do! Theology on Tap is perfect for anyone who wants to have a good time and engage in serious conversation. Who knows, you may be able to figure out what BEER AND THE BIBLE really have in common. For more information: "Come and See!"

Thank you for your consideration.

Fr. Ron Henery, O.P.
St. Joseph's Church
330 W. Pine
Ponchatoula, Louisiana 70454
(985) 386-9059